THURMAN H. RHODES, District Administrative Judge District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, since January 1, 2003 (Associate Judge, May 27, 1988 to December 31, 2002). Chair, Child Support Enforcement Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1994-95 (member, 1994-97). Chair, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2001-03 (member, 1997-2003), Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, District Court of Maryland, 2003-. Member, Judicial Council, 2003-05, and Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2003-06, Maryland Judicial Conference. Past member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Associate General Counsel to Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 1975-88. Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1987. Assistant attorney general, 1988. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 18, 1949. Morgan State College, B.A. (political science), 1972; Columbus School of Law, Catholic University, J.D., 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Member, American, Maryland State, Prince George's County and J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Associations. Instructor (paralegal program), Prince George's Community College; University of Maryland University College. Board of Trustees, Henson Valley Montessori School.
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